Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction is indicated if your teeth too severely damaged to be restored by a filling? Has periodontal disease infected your tooth? Are you suffering from intense pain even after a root canal? Chances are your tooth will have to be extracted. If your teeth are damaged or broken, the dentist will fix it with a filling or a crown. However, your dentist will remove teeth damaged beyond repair.

What is Dental extraction?

Tooth extraction also called dental extraction, is the removal of your tooth from the socket. Hence,It is a quick procedure performed by your dentist. The dentist removes problem teeth from your mouth through a tooth extraction.

Why is a Dental extraction necessary?


  • Sometimes, If your extra teeth are blocking other teeth, get them removed by your dentist.
  • Moreover,  during the course of orthodontic treatment, If you are putting braces, your dentist extracts teeth to create space.
  • Furthermore, If you are undergoing chemotherapy or an organ transplant, tooth extraction keeps the mouth healthy.
  • Thus your dentist will extract decayed and infected teeth.
  • Most commonly, wisdom teeth often grow crooked. Tooth extraction solves issues of misalignment and overcrowding.
  • Finally, If baby teeth don’t fall out, preventing permanent teeth from growing, your dentist extracts them.
Tooth extraction

Types Of Tooth Extraction

Simple Extraction: 

The dentist removes teeth easily visible through simple extraction. Firstly,  Your dentist numbs the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic.  An instrument called an elevator, with a handle and blade loosens your tooth. Finally, Your dentist uses forceps and extracts your tooth.

Surgical Extraction:

Sometimes, If your tooth has not erupted or broken at the gum line, the dentist opts for surgical extraction. A small incision into your gums helps the dentist remove an impacted tooth. Thus, Tooth extraction begins with a shot of an anesthetic.

It numbs the tooth and surrounding areas. Moreover, The bone encasing the tooth root is spongy. To explain, Your dentist uses a dental elevator to rock the tooth and surrounding bone. It enlarges the socket, so the tooth separates from the ligament. Finally, Extraction Forceps, which are plier-like instruments, help your dentist pull out teeth.

Removing your tooth leaves the socket open. Thus, The dentist washes the socket removing any tooth fragments. He places a gauze to stop the bleeding. Finally, Your dentist stitches the site for a surgical extraction. It would help if you bit over a folded gauze placed at the extraction site. Retain firm pressure over the bite for one hour

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Aftercare for a tooth extraction depends on the location of your tooth and also the type of extraction. Consequently, A blood clot gets formed after your tooth extraction. It must stay in place, or you will suffer a dry socket. It is a painful condition on the dislodging of a blood clot.

Leave the initial gauze for a few hours after the procedure. Take the painkillers prescribed by your dentist. Rest for a couple of days and limit unnecessary activity.

Furthermore, Don’t rinse, spit out, or use a straw to suck liquids. It can dislodge the blood clot and leave you in intense pain. Rinse your mouth with saltwater. Avoid smoking for a few days.

Do brush and floss to prevent infection at the extraction site. You must eat soft foods like yogurt, pudding, and soup during the healing process. Wait until the extraction site heals, before eating solid food. You will feel soreness and pain for a few days after the tooth extraction. So, It is perfectly normal, and the painkillers from your dentist get rid of it. Call your dentist if the pain worsens. It helps to rule out an infection.

The healing process takes a week. You can soon get back to a regular diet. There are new gum tissue and bone growth over the extraction site. If the missing tooth makes other teeth shift into the gap, contact your dentist. It can affect your bite. The dentist uses a dental implant or dentures to strengthen the bone structure.

Tooth Extraction: What to Expect? 

Firstly, It would be best if you prepared for dental extraction by informing the dentist about any medication you take. Inform your dentist of any condition like diabetes, thyroid disease, or hypertension.

You will not feel pain during tooth extraction. Local anesthesia numbs the tooth and surrounding areas. Expect mild pain and discomfort after the tooth extraction. The dentist gives painkillers to reduce the symptoms.


Moreover, It’s vital to follow the dentist's instructions during the aftercare. It focuses on promoting the clotting and protection of the extraction site. Take all the medication as instructed by your dentist and complete the full course of treatment. You will heal completely within one week to ten days. Contact your Dentist In Bangalore on worsening pain after tooth extraction.

Cost of tooth extraction In bangalore

Its just Rs 300 - Rs 600 for simple tooth extraction in Bangalore. Extracting an impacted tooth will cost you around Rs 3,000 - 4,000. Broken or impacted teeth require a more evolved procedure.

Moreover, It’s better to remove a damaged or broken tooth, instead of suffering an infection. It is a painless procedure, and you retain healthy teeth and a bright smile. An extra set of molars or wisdom teeth push other teeth around. Therefore, You must extract wisdom teeth and avoid complications in the future.