How Does Dieting Affect My Teeth?

December 24, 2018 Off By divadentalbangalore
How Does Dieting Affect My Teeth?

How does dieting affect my teeth?

How does dieting affect my teeth? If you want to enjoy healthy gums and teeth, it’s not just what you eat that matters, its also when you eat. A balanced diet and a healthy gap between meals keep teeth clean and tooth decay away.

Dieting forces you to go low on carbohydrates and high on protein. This increases saliva acid levels putting you at risk of tooth decay. A crash diet causes vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin B-12 and also calcium necessary to keep teeth and jaws strong. A balanced diet ensures a steady supply of calcium and Vitamin B-12, keeping gum disease at bay. Take a look at tips to choose the best dental clinic in Bangalore.

Who doesn’t want to look young and healthy? Belly fat not only makes you ugly, but it also causes heart disease, diabetes, and poor health. Many young people in a quest to look good, opt for a liquid and fruit diet. The motivation to look and feel good by losing weight quickly has led many young women to hospitals. While the effects of dieting on weight loss and good health are debatable, how on earth can dieting affect teeth?

Foods That Damage Teeth

Many foods and beverages cause plaque. Plaque is a bacteria-filled sticky layer on teeth that causes tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque causes cavities even if you brush daily.

Why is junk food bad for teeth? Junk foods are rich in sugar. Bacteria in your mouth release acids, eroding tooth enamel. Cavities develop in no time. Children who keep munching chocolates and sweets suffer from tooth cavities and toothache.

What foods are bad for your teeth?

Sour candies are terrible on teeth. They contain acids which can destroy teeth. Chewy sour candies stick to teeth for a long time, increasing the risk of tooth decay. If you must eat sweets, try a square of dark chocolate. There’s less sugar and you can wash it off quickly.

Before you chew on that bread slice, do understand what it can do to teeth. The saliva in your mouth breaks down the starch in bread to sugar. As you chew on the bread, it becomes a gummy paste, lodging in the crevices between teeth. This causes painful cavities. Trywhole wheat bread which contains less added sugars to keep teeth safe.

Soda and carbonated drinks are a triple threat to teeth. They help plaque produce more acid to attack tooth enamel. Sipping dark soda produces an acid coating on teeth, dries out your mouth and stains teeth. Tooth enamel erodes in no time and a dry mouth means there’s no saliva to wash away food particles.

Always have carbonated drinks with a meal to neutralize harmful acids. Drink water immediately to keep the saliva flowing. Saliva is a friend which stops food particles sticking to teeth, keeping tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections far away. Use a fluoride rinse, to keep teeth clean and healthy. To keep teeth healthy, find a dentist nearby who can help you.

How Does Dieting Affect My Teeth?

If your diet doesn’t contain essential nutrients, tissues in your mouth cannot resist infection leading to gum disease. Crash dieting is very bad for teeth, causing vitamin D and B-12 deficiencies, not to mention calcium. Vitamin D and calcium play an important role in the formation and maintenance of teeth and gums in children and adults. Calcium strengthens the jaw bones which hold teeth in place.

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and a lack of it leads to underdeveloped and discolored teeth, gum disease and tooth decay. Take a look at top 10 reasons for toothaches.

Many people ask us how does dieting affect my teeth?

Going on a crash diet wipes the smile off your face. Your body doesn’t have the nutrients to keep teeth and gums strong and healthy. Popping diet pills dry up your mouth, increasing acid levels which erode enamel and cause tooth decay. If your friend is on a crash diet and boosts of good looks, do look into his mouth. You’ll most probably find terrible teeth. Take a look at the effects of smoking on dental health.

You can read about bad breath affecting your oral health here.

Food for healthy teeth and gums?

A balanced diet gives gums and teeth all the protection they need. Diet for healthy teeth must include onions. Onions have microbial properties, targeting oral bacteria that cause gum disease. Make sure there’s a lot of onion in soup and salads, even when you’re dieting.

Spinach is rich in vitamin C, increasing the production of red blood cells and reducing inflammation. Leafy greens with high fiber content are good for gums as the chewing action produces more saliva. Food particles, bacteria, and plaque sticking to teeth are flushed out.

Green Tea rich in antioxidants, keeps gum disease and inflammation at bay. Oranges, Kiwi, Pineapple and strawberries are rich in Vitamin C. Add them to yogurt and salads. Carrots and apples get in between teeth, keeping the mouth fresh between brushings. Dairy products are rich in calcium and good for teeth. They contain a protein called casein, which neutralizes oral acids, destructive to tooth enamel and gum tissue. A cup of milk a day keeps gum disease away.

Dentists are not expensive. Neglect is. Use the money to save teeth and enjoy a happy life.